For Authors

This page consists of tutorial videos for question authors.

Getting Setup

The video below covers how to set up a question-writing environment.

Question Authoring Page

The video below looks at the question authoring page.

Question Text

The "Question Text" is the markup that is shown to students. The video below explores the Question Text portion of the question authoring page.

Common Control

The "Common Control" portion of the question authoring page is where you add code for the question. The videos below cover the basics of Common Control.

This first video (below) covers what the Common Control is and how to define variables.

This next video covers some of the data types in IMathAS.

The next video looks at some comparison operators and some logical-flow controls.

A First Example

The video below shows a simple first example that ties together the prior videos.


The video below covers some of the randomization functions in IMathAS.

Question Types

This section covers the question types in IMathAS.


The video explores the "Number" question type in IMathAS.

Calculated Number

The video explores the "Calculated Number" question type in IMathAS.

Multiple Choice

The video explores the "Multiple Choice" question type in IMathAS.

Multiple Answer

The video explores the "Multiple Answer" question type in IMathAS.


The video explores the "Matching" question type in IMathAS.


The video explores the "Function" question type in IMathAS.


The video explores the "String" question type in IMathAS.


The video explores the "Essay" question type in IMathAS.


The video explores the "Drawing" question type in IMathAS.

Calculated N-Tuple

The video explores the "Calculated N-Tuple" question type in IMathAS.


The "Calculated N-Tuple" question type is the "calculated" version of the "N-Tuple" question type. If you don't want students to be able to enter calculations, use the normal "N-Tuple" question type.

Calculated Complex

The video explores the "Calculated Complex" question type in IMathAS.


The "Calculated Complex" question type is the "calculated" version of the "Complex" question type. If you don't want students to be able to enter calculations, use the normal "Complex" question type.

Calculated Matrix

The video explores the "Calculated Matrix" question type in IMathAS.


The "Calculated Matrix" question type is the "calculated" version of the "Matrix" question type. If you don't want students to be able to enter calculations, use the normal "Matrix" question type.

Calculated Interval

The video explores the "Calculated Interval" question type in IMathAS.


The "Calculated Interval" question type is the "calculated" version of the "Interval" question type. If you don't want students to be able to enter calculations, use the normal "Interval" question type.

File Upload

The video explores the "File Upload" question type in IMathAS.


The video explores the "Multipart" question type in IMathAS.


If you have a number of parts that does not divide evenly into 100, students might earn more or less than 100% (based on rounding errors). To remedy this, add

$scoremethod = "singlescore";

to your Common Control.


The video explores the "Conditional" question type in IMathAS.


Use the $stuanswers variable to access student answers (and $stuanswersval for calculated parts).

// Student answer on part 0
$stuAnswerPart0 = $stuanswers[$thisq][0];
// Student answer on part 1, calculated value
$stuAnswerPart1 = $stuanswersval[$thisq][1];

Advanced Functionality

Feedback Macros

In Progress

Creating Plots

In Progress

Macro Libraries

In Progress